Yeah, but what does that look like?

When I was 14 years old I began learning to play the guitar.  I took lessons that taught me theory, notes and chord formations, but I really learned to play the guitar  outside of my lessons.  Every Wednesday night I’d head over to the home of one of my youth leaders, and for 30 minutes we’d just play the guitar together.  Each week, Calvin showed me through his example how to put into practice all of the things my music teacher taught me. While I took a lot of lessons, it was Calvin who actually taught me to play the guitar because he modeled it for me.  

Over the last month, we have been searching for joy and discussing ways that we can experience more joy in our lives.  One of the key ideas we have repeated throughout our teaching series is that joy flows from a Christ-centered life.  When I hear a statement like that, the question “Yeah, but what does it look like?” always comes to mind. If joy flows from a Christ-centered life, then what does a Christ-centered life look like? Give me an example, a model to follow!

This week as we continue our search for Joy in the book of Philippians we are going to look at three examples that the author gives of people who exemplify everything we have talked about so far.  I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we look at Philippians 2:19-30 and explore the examples of Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus and find out what the Christ-centered life looked like for them.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

Soul Care Conference
Do you feel stuck in your relationship with God?  Do you feel like you can go deeper in relationship with God, but don’t know how? Join us for our Soul Care Conference on November 29, 30, and December 1.  This full-day conference will teach you 7 soul care principles that will enable you to experience the fullness of the Gospel that Jesus teaches.  For more information or to register, visit the church website.  

Connect Lunch
Join us on October 28 after the Weekend Service for lunch.  Meet new friends and connect with old ones over a great meal.  Reserve your spot online.  

Coming Events

October 28 Connect Lunch (following weekend service)
November 7 Elevate Prayer Summit (during MidWeek)
November 9 Pause Seminar
November 10 KidUnique Parenting Seminar
November 16 Daddy/Daughter Date Night
November 23 50+ Christmas Supper
November 25 Compassion Sunday featuring Will Walker
November 29 -December 1 Soul Care conference with Rob Reimer
December 5 Elevate Prayer Summit (during MidWeek)
December 24 Christmas Eve Services (4 & 7 pm) – “The Best Gift Ever!”
January 9, 2019 Elevate Prayer Summit (during MidWeek)
January 14 – 18, 2019 Kairos Course – Understanding God’s purpose for you and the world!
February 2, 2019 Holy Spirit Encounter (speakers David Hearn, Robin Haensel, and Mandy Ralph)
