Why does all this matter?

Have you ever lost sight of why you are doing something? Sometimes we set out to do something with great energy and purpose, but along the way, we lose our passion, or we forget why we started in the first place.

In a 2009 Ted Talk, Simon Sinek spoke about why some achieve, succeed, and persevere and why others don’t. In his TED Talk “Start with why?” Sinek described the golden circle, which consists of what, how and why. Sinek says that every single person on the planet knows “what they do,” some know “how they do it,” but very few know “why they do what they do.” As a result, we often think and talk about what we do. Sometimes we will think and talk about how we do it, but rarely do we focus on why we do what we do. Sinek argues that those who achieve greatness or succeed and persevere in life focus on the “why.” Those who succeed and persevere know what they do; they let the why define the “how” and the “what”.

We are about halfway through our teaching series on the Apostles’ Creed. At this point, you may be wondering, why are we doing this? Why are we looking at an ancient creed? Why aren’t we just taking a book from the Bible and working our way through it? Why does all this matter?

The Apostles’ Creed serves as a framework for beliefs that we share with followers of Jesus both today and over the last two millennia, but do you know why these beliefs are essential? We have used the creed as a framework to guide our examination of Scripture so that we can understand why we believe what we do. The goal of this series is to let our “why” define how and what we do in life.

This weekend we are going to do two things. First, we are going to pause in the examination of our beliefs and instead consider why we should examine our beliefs at all. Together, we will look at Hebrews 2:1-4 and three reasons we should think about what we believe. Then we will have a Q&A time when you can ask questions about the beliefs we’ve talked about in January and February. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we gather and consider “why all this matters?” and answer some of the questions you may have about your beliefs.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

PS…while the Q&A will be part of our online gathering, we will only accept questions from those at our in-person gathering.
