“I forgive you.” When was the last time you spoke those words to someone?
“I forgive you,” are three powerful words that many, if not all of us, long to hear. A few times each year I have the opportunity to coach engaged couples in their relationships. During the time we spend together, we talk about forgiveness and how it is a gift that we give to ourselves and each other. When spoken, these words have the power to heal and restore, but when those words are withheld, they have the power to destroy.
Instead of giving the gift of forgiveness, we often ignore the pain or inner turmoil we are feeling and say things like, “It’s no big deal,” or “Don’t worry about it.” Instead of giving forgiveness we will wait for the person to apologize and sometimes that never happens. Sometimes we think that by withholding forgiveness we are hurting the other person, but in reality we are hurting ourselves. When we fail to forgive even the smallest hurt, we plant a seed in our soul that grows, spreads and takes over like a dandelion does your lawn.
Jesus was so concerned about whether we forgive each other or not that he taught his followers to pray for those who hurt them and told his disciples that:
“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15
When was the last time you forgave someone who hurt you? Is there anyone you need to forgive today?
This weekend we will be talking about forgiveness as Global Leadership Summit speaker and Rwandan genocide survivor Immaculee Ilibagiza will be telling her story of how she found God while hiding for 91 days with 7 other women in a small bathroom. Together we’ll hear how Immaculee has been able to forgive those who killed most of her family and friends.
This Sunday we’ll also be talking about the Global Leadership Summit, a premier leadership event that we host every October. We will be revealing the speaker lineup for this year’s Summit. I hope you’ll join us and find out how you can be a part of the Global Leadership Summit on October 17 and 18th, but even more importantly I hope you’ll join us and hear what God has to say about forgiveness.
Please note that due to copyright issues with there will be no live-stream this Sunday. I hope you’ll plan to join us in person instead!
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
We Say ‘Thank You’ – June 9
Many people give their time to serve here at Living Hope in a variety of capacities – Kids Min, Worship Arts, First Impressions, Youth, Community groups, and more. If that’s you, we want to celebrate your contribution to building God’s Kingdom! Join us in the lounge on Sunday, June 9 at 6:30 pm for a dessert evening as we say, “Thank you!”
District Conference
We will be hosting the Biennial District Conference for our family of churches , June 10 to 12. There will be evening worship services on Monday, June 10 and Tuesday, June 11. On Monday evening, Rev. Al Fedorak will be speaking, and we will be honouring Al who is retiring as our District Superintendent. On Tuesday evening, Pastor Kirk will be speaking. Plan now to join us to worship, be encouraged, and to show our family of churches the hospitality and heart of Living Hope.
Campus Development has Begun!
Our campus development has begun. When you come to the church, please park in the west lot and use the WEST ENTRANCE of the building. We will be attentive to that entrance. Please be careful with all the heavy equipment, construction workers, etc. It will be a busy place. You will only be able to use the Arcola Avenue entrance during this time to drive onto our property. Thank you for your understanding! The final result will be such a welcome addition!
Coming Events
June 2 | Global Leadership Summit Sunday |
June 9 | We Say ‘Thank You’ Dessert Evening |
June 10-12 | Canadian Midwest District Conference (at Living Hope) |
July 29 – August 2 | Kids Camp – “Journey to Athens” |