What does it mean to be a part of Living Hope? What are the beliefs that define Living Hope? What shared commitments do we have that make us a church? Have you ever wondered or thought about this?
Over the last four years, Living Hope has grown by over 51% – that means the majority who attend on Sunday morning were not with us four years ago. We are a diverse crowd; every Sunday there are people from different communities, cities and even countries. Some of us come from different faith backgrounds and traditions, and some are exploring what faith is. With such a diverse crowd, how do we become one church, united around one God, one faith, one purpose, and one mission?
This weekend we are beginning a new teaching series that will look at the beliefs, the commitments, the purpose, and the mission we commit to as Living Hope. If you’ve ever wondered what it means to be a part of Living Hope then you won’t want to miss the next five Sundays as we explore the shared beliefs and commitments that unite us as one church.
This Sunday, as we begin our series, we will look at the belief that serves as the foundation of our faith. If we will lean into this belief it will change the way we think, the way we act, and even the way we relate to God and each other. I hope you’ll join us as we explore Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and discover what it means to believe in One God.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
We Say ‘Thank You’ – June 9
Many people give their time to serve here at Living Hope in a variety of capacities – Kids Min, Worship Arts, First Impressions, Youth, Community groups, and more. If that’s you, we want to celebrate your contribution to building God’s Kingdom! Join us in the lounge on Sunday, June 9 at 6:30 pm for a dessert evening as we say, “Thank you!”
District Conference
We will be hosting the Biennial District Conference for our family of churches, June 10 to 12. There will be evening worship services on Monday, June 10 and Tuesday, June 11. On Monday evening, Rev. Al Fedorak will be speaking, and we will be honouring Al who is retiring as our District Superintendent. On Tuesday evening, Pastor Kirk will be speaking. Plan now to join us to worship, be encouraged, and to show our family of churches the hospitality and heart of Living Hope.
Campus Development has Begun!
Our campus development has begun. When you come to the church, please park in the west lot and use the WEST ENTRANCE of the building. We will be attentive to that entrance. Please be careful with all the heavy equipment, construction workers, etc. It will be a busy place. You will only be able to use the Arcola Avenue entrance during this time to drive onto our property. Thank you for your understanding! The final result will be such a welcome addition!
Coming Events
June 9 | We Say ‘Thank You’ Dessert Evening |
June 10-12 | Canadian Midwest District Conference (at Living Hope) |
July 14 | Pastor Eric’s Ordination Service |
July 29 – August 2 | Kids Camp – “Journey to Athens” |
September 8 | Fall Kick-Off – Welcome Back BBQ |
September 10 | Taste of the Global Leadership Summit |