What are you doing this Sunday?

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.  And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere–Jerusalem, throughout Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the world.

Acts 1:8

Acts 1:8 is a verse that is shaping the future of our church family.  Jesus’ vision in Acts 1:8 is that his disciples would be people who would live Spirit-empowered lives. They will be so focused on fulfilling His mission that they will go everywhere and do anything, short of sin, to tell others the Good News that through Jesus we can have a relationship with God.  Everything we are doing and will be doing as a church flows from Jesus’ vision.

This vision isn’t just affecting our church, though. It is affecting people on a personal level as well.  One of the couples in our church has decided to become what Jesus envisions by moving to another country.  In a little over a week, Bob & Amanda Eldred will be leaving for Mexico City where they will live for the next four years, being witnesses and telling a least-reached people group about Jesus.

On Sunday we’ll be signing a Seamless Link Covenant with Bob & Amanda.  As a church we will be pledging our commitment to pray and support Bob & Amanda as they live out Jesus’ vision in their lives.   While we all may not be able to go to another country to fulfil the Acts 1:8 vision, we can all be witnesses here at home and we can support those who do go to the ends of the world by committing ourselves to support Bob & Amanda through this Seamless Link.

Pastor Peter will also be continuing our I AM series and leading us as we discover what Jesus meant when he said: “I am the vine” in John 15:1-17.

I hope you’ll join us as we celebrate a couple who is Going Beyond, and we discover more about Jesus and his vision for our lives.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

Don’t forget to Register for Kids Camp!
Kids Camp is just around the corner! Have you registered yet?  We have an exciting week of day camp planned.  For more information or to register, check out our Kids Camp page.

Flourishing Congregation Survey – Life. Vitality. Hope. Possibilities
Our congregation has partnered with the Flourishing Congregations Institute to learn more about these and other qualities in churches across Canada, including our own. We would like your help!  With this survey as one piece of a larger vision, we believe that as the Flourishing Congregations Institute and congregations/parishes collaborate around common interests – to see congregations/parishes, neighbourhoods, and Canadians flourish – we collectively benefit.  Please take 20 minutes to fill out the online survey

Coming Events

July 3-6 Kids Camp – Babylon; Daniel’s Courage in Captivity
July 8 A Taste of Africa Luncheon
August 6-10 City Camp with Dallas Valley Ranch Camp
September 9 Fall Kick-Off Weekend and BBQ
September 30 Annual General Meeting
October 18-19 Global Leadership Summit
November 29-December 1 “Soul Care” conference with Rob Reimer
January 14 – 18 Kairos Course – Understanding God’s purpose for you and the world!
February 2 Holy Spirit Encounter (speakers David Hearn, Robin Haensel and Kirk Cowman)

