This is Holy Week, a time set aside to focus on the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus. What are you doing this week to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate what Jesus did for you?
Too often in my life I have been guilty of letting this week fly by, doing nothing besides the usual thing of getting up and going to church on Sunday.
A number of years ago my pastor challenged me about this. I remember sitting down with him just after Resurrection Sunday and talking with him about how much energy and effort we put into Christmas, but then we let Easter just slide right by. He spoke of how he put a lot of effort and thought into planning for the Easter break, what he was going to do with his kids while they were off, but too often he gave very little thought to doing anything special with Jesus. This is the week when Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice and inaugurated the kingdom with his death and resurrection. As much as we have to remember and celebrate at Christmas, it is infinitely more important to remember and celebrate at Easter. My pastor confessed his feelings to me because he said that it wasn’t right, he wasn’t happy with himself, and he wanted to change.
That conversation has stuck with me. As Easter approaches every year I’m taken back to that conversation with Brent. I don’t want to waste another Holy Week by letting it slide by. I want do things during this week that will express my devotion and appreciation of Jesus. I want to do things that take me deeper in intimacy with Jesus. I take extra time to read the Gospel accounts, to pray, to sit in Jesus’ presence and listen to his whispers. I’ll watch a movie like the “Passion of Christ” or “A Case for Christ” with Britton and our kids, and as a family we’ll participate in some of the extra services that are planned to remember and celebrate Jesus.
What are you doing this Easter to intentionally focus on Jesus and recognize him as your Messiah?
Let me challenge you as my pastor challenged me not to let this Holy Week slip by. Plan now to take time over the coming days to remember, to appreciate, and celebrate Jesus.
This weekend we’ll be looking at Mark 16:1-8 as we wrap up our series, “Marks of the Messiah”. I hope you’ll join us this Resurrection Sunday as we celebrate Jesus and the new beginning that he offers all of us if we will choose to make him our Messiah.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Good Friday Service – 10:30 am
Join us this Friday at 10:30 am for our annual Good Friday Service. During this 60-minute contemplative service we will focus on the radical sacrifice Jesus made for us, and take part in communion. The nursery will be available for children 2 and under.
Are You Interested in Becoming a Member of Living Hope?
Have you been attending Living Hope for a while? Would you like to make Living Hope your home? Join us on Sunday, April 28th for lunch and discover what being a member of Living Hope is all about. Living Hope 101 is our membership class that begins with lunch and runs for 90 minutes. You’ll find out about our mission and vision, what we believe, and how you can make Living Hope your home. To attend Living Hope 101, please RSVP to Marg in the church office at marg@mylivinghope.ca.
‘Going Beyond’ Special Offering
Coming Events
April 19 | Good Friday Service |
April 21 | Resurrection Sunday Celebration |
April 28 | Connect Lunch |
April 28 | Living Hope 101 – Membership Class |
April 28 | Young Adults – Encounter Worship Night |
May 3-5 | ‘The Collective’ – Young Adults Retreat |
May 10 | Trailblazers (50+) Supper |
May 24-25 | Camp Breakaway |
May 11, June 8 | Marriage Preparation Course |
June 2 | Global Leadership Summit Sunday |
July 29-August 2 | Kids Camp – “Journey to Athens” |