Weekly Bulletin – September 8

News & Events

Pray First
Prayer ignites power in the Church, for it opens us up to the work of Holy Spirit in earthly places. Therefore, we need to pray before our services to invite God to do a mighty work amongst us. We call this time ‘Pray First.’ At Pray First, we will contend for Holy Spirit’s work by praying for every chair in the sanctuary, Kids’ Church, and ministry area used on Sunday. You are invited to help us fight the spiritual battle (Eph 6:12) by coming to Pray First every Sunday from 9:30-10 am starting Sept. 8.

Hope Kids Move Up Day & Open House // Sept. 1st & 8th during the service
Join us today /or September 8th for our Children’s Ministry Move Up Day and Open House! This special event marks the transition of some of our children to new classes, where they’ll meet new teachers and explore their new classrooms. Parents are invited to join us before or during the service for an Open House to tour the classrooms, meet the staff, and learn about how Kids Church works. We look forward to celebrating this important milestone with you!

Couch Talk // Sept. 10th
Ladies, fall schedules will soon kick into high gear! Before they do, join us for Couch Talk – a time to hear stories of faith from women you may know in our church family – on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 7 pm. Tickets are $10 and available in the lobby or online at www.mylivinghope.ca/events. See you there!

Grief Care // Sept. 14
Since we will all be faced with challenges and losses, grief touches all of us. As we find grace to grieve the big (and small) things, join us once a month in the lobby starting Saturday, Sept 14 at 1 pm for coffee and a study of The Matter of Little Losses by Rachel Marie Kang. Register online at mylivinghope.ca/events and purchase your own book on Amazon.

Ladies Bible Study
Studying God’s Word together with others is a powerful way to learn be more like Jesus and to create lasting friendships. Starting September 18 with a brunch, ladies are invited to come Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am for a study of Abiding in Christ.

Soul Care // Sept. 18 to Nov. 20
Do you feel limited by your past wounds, your current behaviour, and your faulty thinking? The Soul Care class will teach Biblical principles for healing the soul and overcoming broken and sinful areas of life. Join us on Wednesday evenings, Sept 18 to Nov 20 from 6-8 pm. Register online at mylivinghope.ca/events. In advance, please purchase Rob Reimer’s book, Soul Care, found on Amazon.

Annual General Meeting // Sept. 29
As the ministry calendar turns over and we head into the fall, let’s gather together to hear how God led in this past year and where He’s taking us in the future. Join us at our Annual General Meeting at 12:30 pm on Sunday, Sept 29. If you would like to stay for lunch before the meeting, please register online at mylivinghope.ca/events. Reports are available in the lobby and online.

Upcoming Dates

Sept 8Kick off + BBQ
Sept 10Couch Talk
Sept 18Midweek Kickoff
Sept 29AGM

Financial Update – September 1

FundYTD Actual YTD GoalOver (Short)
Ministry $180,167$158,773$21,394

Ways to Give 

The easiest way to give to Living Hope is by visiting our online giving page. If you would prefer to give by cash or cheque, you can visit our giving station in the foyer on Sunday mornings, mail your gift to 3800 Green Falls Drive, Regina, SK S4V 3T6, or drop it off between 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday to Thursday.
