Bulletin – June 26, 2016

Prayer Summit

Join us Sunday, June 26 at 7 pm for a Prayer Summit as we pray for the Island and our children’s ministry for the summer months.  There will be a brief time of singing, followed by teaching from Curtis; you will be led in a time of personal and small group prayer.  The evening will wrap up with a celebration of communion.  Childcare will be provided.

Church Office Closed

The office will be closed on Tuesday, June 28 as the staff are away for a planning and retreat day.

Summer Kids Camp Volunteers

During the week of July 4-8, from 9 am until noon, we have lots of room for you to join the Living Hope Children’s team as a tactical tour guide and to help lead our children through God’s exhilarating passageways. Guide our children from quest to quest and teach them to hike the joy-filled caverns that are lit by the Light of the world. Here is your chance to be a Park Ranger. For more information please contact Katie.

Summer Kids Camp Registration

Summer Kids Camp, Cave Quest: Following Jesus the Light of the World, is just around the corner, July 4-8 from 9 am until noon.  Registration forms are available at the church or on the website.  Some age groups are filling up (Pre-school and Kindergarten are full), so register your children soon.

Youth Camp Out

All students entering grades 7-12 next fall are invited to join us for a camp out at Buffalo Pound from July 13-15. We will be camping in tents, playing wide games, swimming, and much more! Registrations forms are available at the Info Desk. Deadline for registration is July 1.

Soccer Camp Registration

Soccer camp is August 22-26 and registration is now open! This camp is for kids from Kindergarten to Grade 6. We will have registration forms at all Children’s Ministry Check-Ins, Info Booth, and in the office. For further information please contact Katie.

Soccer Camp Leaders

Attention sports enthusiasts! We need group leaders to help kids learn basic soccer skills, prepare and provide snack, and cheer them on during the week of August 22-26. For more information contact Katie.

Global Leadership Summit

Have you ever wondered how to start conversations about Jesus in the workplace? Would you like to learn how to be a better leader, a better employee, and a person of influence to the world around you? Then sign now up for Global Leadership Summit and be trained by well-respected leaders in this area. As a church we are putting a high priority on this event and we are eager for you to sign up. Early bird purchase price, for Living Hope attendees, is $99. To sign up, fill out the bulletin insert and take it to the registration table in the foyer, or sign up online.

This Week’s Bible Reading

Day Chapter
Monday Numbers 25
Tuesday Numbers 26
Wednesday Numbers 27
Thursday Numbers 28
Friday Numbers 29
Saturday Numbers 30
Sunday Numbers 31
