Bulletin – January 13, 2019

MidWeek Resumes January 16

Join us Wednesdays for MidWeek, an evening where the entire family can come for a great meal (beginning at 5:30 pm). We have Kids’ Choir (6pm), Clubs for kids (Grades 1-6 at 6:45 pm), and Hope Youth for teens (6:30 pm). For adults, we have options to help you take your next step in your relationship with Jesus (Parenting Classes, Soul Care, and a Drop-in Group).

Soul Care – Wednesdays during MidWeek

Join us as we explore seven principles: profound healing tools of God that lead to greater intimacy with Him. Learn about the transformational principles of identity, repentance, breaking family sin patterns, forgiving others, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance.

Men’s Class – Sundays at 9 am (January 13, 20, and 27)

You are invited to attend a DVD presentation by John Ortberg called “Soul Keeping; Caring for the most important part of you”

Ladies’ Wednesday Morning Study – 9:30 am

Join us Wednesday mornings as we study “The Quest” by Beth Moore.

Arcola East Prayer Group – Wednesday afternoons at 1 pm

These ladies meet weekly to pray for our church and our missionaries.

Holy Spirit Encounter – February 2

Jesus promises us an abundant life, but how do we access this life? On Saturday, February 2 we will discover how to live in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. You will hear deep theological teaching and participate in practical application times. Sessions will be facilitated by David Hearn, Robin Haensel, Mandy Ralph, and Pastor Kirk. Register at mylivinghope.ca/events.

Interwoven Missions Team

Fill your tummy and help send the missions team to Greece next month! We are offering delicious goodies, handmade by Elaine Ong, perfect as a snack or for a party. She is offering two choices – 6 spring rolls or 10 pork wontons for $10. 50% of the proceeds will go to the team’s expenses. Place your order by January 15 with one of the team or email Elaine at elainemfong@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance for your support!

Interwoven Missions Team Needs

The Interwoven team going to Greece next month has a list of supplies we need to collect to use in our programming with the children. If you are interested in helping in this way, contact Pastor Shauna at shauna@mylivinghope.ca.

Young Adult Night – January 13 at 6 pm

What is your favorite board game? How do you take your coffee? Young adults meet to enjoy board games, home-baked treats, and fellowship at the Aroma Cafe (aka the church foyer) on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. If you are between 18 and 30 years old and want to be in the ‘aroma’ of good people, come on out! New this year – we will be adding a time of worship on the 4th Sunday.

Israel Trip (November 26 – December 5)

Join Pastor Kirk and Britton as they journey through Israel following in the footsteps of Jesus. Grow as a disciple of Jesus as you visit places you have read about in the New Testament. Experience the words and the life of Jesus coming alive in a new way. For more information, contact Pastor Kirk at kirk@mylivinghope.ca.

Bible Readings for the Week

Monday Psalm 3
Tuesday Psalm 4
Wednesday Psalm 5
Thursday Joel 1
Friday Joel 2
Saturday Joel 3
Sunday Mark

Our Week at a Glance

Monday 7:00 pm Bible Quizzing
Wednesday 9:30 am Ladies’ Bible Study
11:00 am Worship Service at Green Falls Landing
1:30 pm Arcola East Prayer Group
Thursday 7:00 pm Worship Team Rehearsal
Sunday 9:00 am PrayFirst
Men’s Class – ‘Soul Keeping’
S.E.A.N. Class
10:30 am Worship Service
Wonder Years
Hope Kids
