Under the Surface – The Walking Wounded

I love action movies.  One of my favourite action movies is Die Hard.  Have you seen it?

In Die Hard, police officer John McClane finds himself embroiled in a hostage situation when he visits his wife’s place of work, Nakatomi Plaza. A group of German terrorists take over the entire building.  For 132 action packed minutes, McClane is shot at, beat up, blown up, cut up, and even walks on glass.  McClane runs and walks around wounded for most of the movie, picking glass out of his feet and dealing with various wounds, yet never slowing down.  McClaine shows no signs of slowing down until after he has saved the day and the credits start to roll. 

I think a lot of us live our lives like John McClane.  We may not work in Nakatomi Plaza and we have never been shot at or blown up, but like McClaine we are walking around wounded.  Sometimes those wounds are physical, sometimes those wounds are inner wounds, and sometimes they are a combination of the two.  Regardless, we are wounded and we never slow down to deal with the wounds we carry.  We are the walking wounded.

This weekend we are going to explore my favourite passage in the New Testament, Luke 4:18-19, and learn what Jesus has to say to all of us who are walking around wounded.  Friend, Jesus never wanted you to go through life like John McClane. He doesn’t want you to walk around wounded.  I hope you’ll join us as together we discover what Jesus wants to do with the wounds we are walking around with. 

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

PS…Last Sunday we spoke about harassment and abuse allegations at another church in the city.  If you were impacted by those events or if our announcement triggered or retraumatized you because of something in the past, we want to help.  We are offering 3 sessions of professional counselling to anyone impacted by harassment and abuse.  Send me an email (kirk@mylivinghope.ca) and we will get you connected with one of our counsellors.    
