Traveling Costs

Have you ever run out of money?

In 2020, I met a family of four who were travelling from Toronto to Calgary. During the height of the pandemic, the dad lost his job, and he and his wife decided to travel to Calgary where they had family. Mom, dad, and their two small children had spent the night camped out in their minivan in the church parking lot. I met them the following day, tired, dishevelled and with a scared look on the parents’ faces. I went with the dad to the grocery store and let him pick out food for his family, paid for with money from the Compassion Fund. Then we headed to the gas station, and we bought him a tank of gas and a gift card for another tank. The grateful family then continued their journey.

I wish I could say that this family’s trouble was unique, but it isn’t. Over the years, I’ve met many a weary traveler who failed to count the cost of their trip and I helped them get back on the road.

I wish I could say that this problem was unique to road trips, but it’s not. Over the years, I’ve met many who have chosen to journey with Jesus without counting the cost. If I’m honest, at times I’ve been one who didn’t realize the cost of following Jesus. Thankfully there have been those on my journey who have helped me count the cost and realize that Jesus is worth the price.

This weekend we are going to talk about the cost of following Jesus. Together we will look at what it means and what it takes to journey with Jesus today. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we look at Luke 9:57-62 and the traveling costs of journeying with Jesus, because while choosing to follow Jesus is easy, journeying with Jesus is costly.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

PS…PrayFirst resumes this coming Sunday. We’ll meet at 9:30 am in the auditorium to listen to God and pray for our church, each other, and the world. PrayFirst is an excellent opportunity to learn about prayer and discover new ways to talk with God. PrayFirst is also a great way to prepare for our worship gathering at 10:30 am.
