Top Ten – Do Not Steal (“I took it one Piece at a Time, and it didn’t Cost Me a Dime”)

I would get it one piece at a time, and it wouldn’t cost me a dime!

I was 7 years old. I walked with my two sisters to the store behind our house. I can still remember what that Zellers looked like. It was Easter; at the front of the store there were displays of chocolate Easter bunnies, chocolate Easter eggs, colorful decorations, and giant cardboard rabbits.

I’ve always loved chocolate. All I had to do was pick up a piece of chocolate and slip it into the pocket of my winter coat. It was so easy! I remember holding the chocolate in my hand, stuffed deep into my pocket as I walked out of the store. I could almost taste it. It was at this point that my sister slipped her hand into my pocket, pulled out the chocolate and said, “I watched you steal this.”  Busted!

Someone stole my bike once. I hated that! I felt like it was personal. Someone broke into my parent’s garage and stole my bike. How could someone steal? Didn’t they know they were not supposed to steal? Didn’t they know that was my bike? I worked hard and delivered papers to earn that bike. The bike was mine and it was gone.

I knew from a young age the command found in Exodus 20:15 – “You must not steal.”I learned it from my parents. It was repeated to me at Sunday school, I heard it at church, I even heard it on TV in children’s programming. “You must not steal.”

Join us this week as we take a closer look at this commandment.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Peter

Fall is just around the corner!
Join us on Sunday, September 10th after the worship service for our annual fall BBQ.  There will be great food, games for the kids and an opportunity to reconnect with friends after summer vacation.

MidWeek begins September 13 
Join us Wednesdays this fall for Kids Club, Youth, Marriage Course, Alpha and more.  We’ll even take care of dinner and the dishes that night. MidWeek starts with dinner between 5:30 and 6:30, and activities kick off at 6:45.  There is something for everyone this fall at MidWeek.

Encounter the Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit and why does he matter?  Join us September 29th & 30th and explore who the Holy Spirit is and what his ministry is in your life.  Each session will begin with singing and includes Bible teaching time followed by a practicum where you can put into practice what you have learned.  Registration is free and opens August 1st.

Coming Events

August 15 Play in the Park ( Green Meadow Park)
August 17 Play in the Park (Ripplinger Park)
August 23 Youth Event
August 27 Prayer Summit
August 29 T.A.C.O. Tuesday
September 10 Kickoff Sunday
September 13 MidWeek Kickoff
September 22 Kids Camp Reunion
September 24 Families Connect Lunch
September 29-30 Holy Spirit Encounter
October 19-20 Global Leadership Summit

