Top Ten – Do Not Lie

This week’s top ten commandment is “Do not lie.”  You might be thinking to yourself, “Why does lying make the top ten list?”  A little fib never really hurt anyone…right?  If Veggie Tales has ever been a part of your life then you’ve probably learned that fibs can grow and grow until they become huge problems!  For those of you who don’t know the story, Junior tells a fib to cover up that he broke something and it creates a little “fib” creature that eventually turns into a giant monster as the lie gets bigger and bigger.  When we lie, we often have to tell more lies to cover up the first one, and eventually we find ourselves tangled up in a web of lies that we have created.  This is a big reason why lying is on the top ten list, but it doesn’t end there.  As we will see from looking at John 8:31-47 this week, there is more to lying than simply telling a fib.

You’ve probably already realized that lying causes problems and you try to avoid it. Part of what makes lying so dangerous is that we don’t always realize that we’re doing it.  Telling a fib isn’t the only way we can lie.  Our passage this week shows us a couple of these different ways we can lie and how we can avoid them.  Perhaps lying has snuck its way into your life.  Join me  this week to see why lying is on our top ten list and how we can stop it in its tracks.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Eric

Fall is just around the corner!
Join us on Sunday, September 10th after the worship service for our annual fall BBQ.  There will be great food, games for the kids and an opportunity to reconnect with friends after summer vacation.

MidWeek begins September 13
Join us Wednesdays this fall for Kids Club, Youth, Marriage Course, Alpha and more. We’ll even take care of dinner and the dishes that night. MidWeek starts with dinner between 5:30 and 6:30, and activities kick off at 6:45.  There is something for everyone this fall at MidWeek.

Encounter the Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit and why does he matter?  Join us September 29th & 30th and explore who the Holy Spirit is and what his ministry is in your life.  Each session will begin with singing and includes Bible teaching time followed by a practicum where you can put into practice what you have learned.  Registration is free and opens August 1st.

Coming Events

August 23 Youth Event
August 27 Prayer Summit
August 28 Bible Quizzing begins
August 29 T.A.C.O. Tuesday
August 30 Board of Elders Meeting
September 10 Kickoff Sunday
September 13 MidWeek Kickoff
September 22 Kids Camp Reunion
September 24 Families Connect Lunch
September 29-30 Holy Spirit Encounter
October 14 Quiz Meet
October 19-20 Global Leadership Summit
