This weekend we are starting a new teaching series called “Reconciled.” There is a lot of interest in our world today around the topic of reconciliation. From the “94 Calls to Action” of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to the “Me Too” and “Black Lives Matter” movements, each is centred around the hope that we can change the world and begin to see and treat each other differently.
Over the next 5 weeks we are going to talk about reconciliation, what God has to say about it, and why as God’s people we should be concerned, and pursue reconciliation. We will be talking about being reconciled with God, being reconciled in relationships, being reconciled with those who are different than us, reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous people (with guest speaker Dr. Ray Aldred), and the invitation Jesus extends to us to become agents of reconciliation in this world.
This weekend as we start our “Reconciled” series we are going to go back to the beginning. We will discover the starting point for reconciliation because every reconciliation movement is bound to fail unless it begins here. On Sunday we’ll look at Romans 5:1-11 and discover that reconciling with God is the starting point to experiencing reconciliation in every relationship and every part of this world. I hope you’ll join us as we discover that the solution to the chaos in our world is found in reconciling with God.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Are You Interested in Becoming a Member of Living Hope?
Have you been attending Living Hope for a while? Would you like to make Living Hope your home? Join us on Sunday, April 28th for lunch and discover what being a member of Living Hope is all about. Living Hope 101 is our membership class that begins with lunch and runs for 90 minutes. You’ll find out about our mission and vision, what we believe, and how you can make Living Hope your home. To attend Living Hope 101, please RSVP to Marg in the church office at marg@mylivinghope.ca.
‘Going Beyond’ Special Offering
On May 17th construction will begin on our new parking lot. We will be taking a special ‘Going Beyond’ offering to help make this construction possible. If God has blessed you and you’d like to give an extra gift or if you’d like to give a catchup gift against your pledge we invite you to give on May 5 to ‘Going Beyond’.
We are Hiring!
This summer we will be adding a university student to our staff to specifically work in Kids Min. This 8-week position is from July 2 to August 23. If you enjoy working with children, running summer programs, and want to contribute to building God’s kingdom here at Living Hope, please send your resume to Rick Orban, Director of Operations, at rick@mylivinghope.ca by May 17.
Coming Events
April 28 | Connect Lunch |
April 28 | Living Hope 101 – Membership Class |
April 28 | Young Adults – ‘Encounter’ Worship Night |
May 3-5 | ‘The Collective’ – Young Adults Retreat |
May 10 | Trailblazers (50+) Supper |
May 19 | Hope Youth – Baptism Class |
May 24-25 | Camp Breakaway |
June 2 | Global Leadership Summit Sunday |
June 10-12 | Canadian Midwest District Conference |
July 29-August 2 | Kids Camp – “Journey to Athens” |