Do you know what FOMO is?
FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. Do you have FOMO? Do you ever find yourself thumbing through the endless Facebook or Instagram feeds, and with each picture feeling like you are missing out on something in life? Maybe you’ve been listening to a friend tell you all about their latest trip, and you find yourself wondering why you can’t do that too? We have all done this, haven’t we?
This weekend we are beginning a three-week teaching series about something that I’ve never heard anyone express FOMO over, yet recent studies indicate that an increasing number of us are missing out on it.
According to Stats Canada, over the last decade the number of people who give of their time, talent, and treasure to help others has been steadily decreasing. It isn’t because the need is disappearing, but because as a culture, Canadians are becoming less generous. If this is true, then it means that an increasing number of us are missing out by not living generous lives. I say this because in 2 Corinthians 8 the Apostle Paul says that while you can excel in everything, unless generosity is part of your life every day, you are still missing out on something incredibly important. But what is it? What are we missing out on?
I hope you’ll join us over the next three Sundays as we explore 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 and learn about something that Paul calls “The Grace of Giving.” This weekend we’ll be exploring 2 Corinthians 8:1-9. Together we’ll explore two principles of generosity and one reason why we should make generosity part of our lives every day.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
PS…this Sunday and next we are collecting new and lightly used winter clothing for families of Arcola School. If you have sweaters, scarves, jackets, toques, mitts, gloves, boots or winter clothing of any size, would you consider bringing it to the church and dropping it in the grey bin? All clothing donations must be received by November 20.
For information re coming events, check out our bulletin.