I have a habit that really frustrates my wife. I’m trying to break this habit but it keeps rearing its ugly head. Whenever my wife gets in the car to go someplace she always discovers that the tank is empty. Has that ever happened to you?
I have a knack for running around town with hardly any gas in the car. I know exactly how far and how many trips I can go on when the tank is only a quarter full. I don’t get concerned when the low fuel light comes on because I know I still have lots more driving I can do before I need to get gas.
I’ve been doing this for years. It started in my teens when I didn’t have more than a few bucks to put in the tank. I’m not sure why, after all these years, I continue to run around with an empty tank. There’s no reason for it. There is a gas station on every corner, I have the money to fill the tank, yet
As disciples of Jesus, I think too often we live our lives a lot like I operate my car. We run through life with an empty tank. Jesus said that he came that we might experience life in the fullest, yet too often we run around on empty. We experience this fullness through the presence and filling of the Holy Spirit in our lives. So my question for you is, “How full is your tank today?”
This weekend is our annual Holy Spirit Encounter weekend. This is an opportunity to learn more about who the Holy Spirit is and how to live each day in his presence and with his power. You’ll learn what a Spirit-filled life looks like and how to keep in step with the Spirit every day. If your tank is running low or if you’ve never been filled before join us on Saturday at 9 am and discover how to live a Spirit-empowered life. There is no reason not to be filled! Register today.
This Sunday we’ll be taking a break from our ‘Marks of the Messiah’ series. David Hearn, President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, will be speaking and the Campbell Chamber Choir will be singing for us. I hope you’ll join us as we discover how to live a Christ-centered, Spirit-Empowered and Mission-focused life.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Parenting Course
Each Wednesday during MidWeek we will be hosting a parenting course. Our parenting course consists of five sessions on parenting children 0 to 10 years of age and then five sessions on parenting teens from 11 to 18 years of age. Join us Wednesday nights at 6:45 pm and discover tools to build healthy relationships and strategies for building a healthy family.
Israel Trip
Join Pastor Kirk and Britton on a journey through Israel, following in the footsteps of Jesus. Grow as a disciple of Jesus as you visit places you have read about in the New Testament. The words and life of Jesus will come alive in a new way. For information, contact Pastor Kirk at kirk@mylivinghope.ca.
For further information, join
Date Night Tour – Clean Comedy for Couples
Looking for something to do with that special someone in February? Join us for the Date Night Tour, a night of clean comedy with Daren Streblow & Timmy Boyle. Come prepared to laugh as Daren & Timmy create a night you won’t soon forget. Plus enjoy a live game show as 5 women and 5 men battle on Date Night Feud. Tickets are $15 and are available online or at the church.
Coming Events
February 23 | Date Night Tour – Clean Comedy for Couples |
February 24 | Israel Trip Information Night |