Reaching the Least Reached — Global Impact Weekend

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

I hope you are becoming increasingly familiar with this verse.  This verse describes who we are becoming as a church, people empowered and led by Holy Spirit, living out and sharing the message of Jesus wherever we go.  There is something interesting about this verse that you may never have noticed – Galilee is not mentioned.

Galilee was where Jesus spent most of his three years of ministry.  Galilee was where his childhood home of Nazareth was located, where his mom and siblings lived.  Galilee was where his disciples lived and it was where he taught and healed many.  Yet when it came to his last instructions to his disciples on what to do when he’s gone he does not mention Galilee.  Why?

Is it because Jesus knows that over the past three years he and his disciples have reached Galilee with the Gospel and now it is time to reach the least reached?  Jesus reached Galilee and now he is sending his disciples to take the Gospel to people who have never heard the message.  The vision Jesus casts in Acts 1:8 is that his disciples would spend their energy, their resources and their lives continually going beyond where they are to reach the least-reached people in the world with the message and hope of the Gospel.

Today, as Jesus’s disciples, this vision is ours to own.  How are you taking your place in Jesus’ vision to reach the least-reached?

This weekend we are going to hear from a couple of International Workers who are going beyond where they were living (Poland) and moving to a limited access country where they can reach a least reached people group.  I hope you will join us this weekend as we hear about their ‘Going Beyond’ story and discover how we can be a part of reaching the least-reached.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

Taste of the Summit
Come get a taste of what The Global Leadership Summit is like on June 3 at 7 pm.  You will also learn about the faculty for the 2018 Summit.  Admission is free.  This year’s keynote speaker for the Taste of the Summit is Liz Wiseman. She will be speaking about being a multiplying leader instead of a diminishing leader.  For more information on The Global Leadership Summit and to get your tickets for the October 18 & 19 event, check out our GLS website.

Breakfast with Dad
Why not take Dad for breakfast this Father’s Day weekend?  Join us on Saturday, June 16 for breakfast and to hear Rider Defensive Tackle Eddie Steele share his story.  Get your tickets online — $15 for Adults & Teens and $8 for Children.

Coming Events

June 3 Taste of the Summit
June 16 Breakfast with Dad
July 3-6 Kids Camp – Babylon; Daniel’s Courage in Captivity
August 6-10 City Camp with Dallas Valley Ranch Camp
October 18-19 Global Leadership Summit
November 29-December 1 “Soul Care” conference with Rob Reimer
