One God
Pastor Kirk, June 9, 2019
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Main Thought: The Trinity changes the way we know and relate to God.
Summary: We believe there is one God, eternally exists in three persons, and collaborating and relating as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Getting to Know Each Other:
- How did you first hear about God?
Going Deeper:
- How has your view or understanding of the triune God changed since hearing the sermon? Did you learn anything new?
- How does believing in the person of God the Father impact your understanding of God and how you relate to him?
- How does believing Jesus is God impact your understanding of God and how you relate to him?
- How does believing the Holy Spirit is God impact your understanding of God and how you relate to him?
- Pastor Kirk said that based on the creation narrative in Genesis we were created by a triune God to live in triune relationships involving God, others and ourselves. So, whenever we withdraw or isolate ourselves from one of these relationships we are not living as God envisions. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
- How is your belief and understanding of the Trinity demonstrated each day in your life?