Marks of the Messiah
Pastor Kirk – March 17, 2019
Scripture: Mark 9:2-10
Summary: At a time when the disciples were filled with uncertainty about what was going to happen next, Jesus reveals his true identity in order to assure them that even in the midst of uncertainty God is with them.
Big Idea: Jesus is not waiting for you on a mountain, he’s with you in the moment, illuminating your darkest hour and brightest day.
Getting to Know Each Other (Start Here):
- Have you ever been scared? Share the story of a time you were scared.
- Our fears are often caused by feelings of uncertainty and loneliness, was this true in your story?
Going Deeper:
- Read Mark 8:31-9:1. How would you summarize what Jesus is saying in these verses? How do you think the disciples felt after hearing Jesus speak these words?
- Why do you think Jesus chose this moment to be transfigured and reveal his true nature?
- Read Exodus 33:12-23 and 1 Kings 19:1-13. Do you see any parallels between Mark 9:2-10 and these passages? How is the experience of Peter, James, and John, similar and different than Elijah and Moses? What do these parallels, similarities and differences teach us about Jesus?
- Pastor Kirk said that Peter’s offer to build shelters was an attempt to take control and avoid the uncertainties that awaited them down the mountain. When you are faced with uncertainties is your natural reaction avoidance or taking control? What do these two responses (avoidance and trying to control) reveal about your relationship with God?
- The response to Peter’s offer to build shelters was the command “Listen to him (Jesus).” Do you find it easy or difficult to listen to Jesus in the midst of uncertainties? What are some ways that you look and listen to Jesus in uncertainties? (What do you do to intentionally listen to Jesus?)
- Has Jesus ever helped you when you were scared and facing uncertainties? Share your stories in order to encourage each other.
Apply it:
- What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? How do you need to respond to Jesus today?