Marks of the Messiah
Going All In
Pastor Kirk, February 17, 2019
Scripture:Mark 3:20-35
Summary: Each person who encountered Jesus in this passage responded to him differently, some with skepticism, some with half-hearted devotion and some went all in. How are you responding to Jesus today?
Main Thought: Jesus is inviting you into an all-in relationship with him.
Getting to Know Each Other (Start Here):
- Have you ever made a significant change in your life and tried to hedge your bets? Tell your story of trying to keep your feet in both worlds? What happened?
Going Deeper:
- In Mark 3:21 it says that Jesus’ family came to take charge of him. Why do you think Jesus’ family came to take charge of him? What does this verse tell you about the opinion Jesus’ family had of him and his abilities?
- In Mark 3:23 the teachers of the law accuse Jesus of being possessed by an impure spirit. Why do you think the teachers of the law respond to Jesus this way?
- Why do you think Mark includes Jesus’ interaction with the teachers of the law in the middle of the account of Jesus’ interactions with his family? Cross-reference the account in Mark with the similar accounts in Matthew 12:22-37 and Luke 11:14-28. What is the key thing that Mark is trying to teach through the account?
- What is the meaning of Mark 3:28-29? How does it relate to the rest of the passage?
- Jesus’ statement in Mark 3:33-35 is also mentioned in Luke and Matthew’s account of Jesus’ life. Why do you think this statement is so important that all three authors would include it? What might a statement like this have meant to the disciples sitting at Jesus’ feet and to the original readers of the Gospels?
- What is this passage teaching you about committing to Jesus?
- In what ways did Jesus make an All-In commitment first?
Apply it:
- What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? How do you need to respond to Jesus today?
Pray without ceasing:
Pray for the Interwoven Team who are ministering to the children and teens of International Workers with the Christian & Missionary Alliance. Specifically:
- For health, several of the team have caught colds and have sore throats
- That the team members would connect with every child and teen and help them grow closer to Jesus
- For unity, that the team would work well together and have patience and grace for each other.