Being the Church in the COVID-19 Crisis

This week Kirk and Colin record a special video episode of the Leading with Hope Podcast about changes taking place in response to COVID-19.
Also…a note from pastor Kirk

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”  Acts 2:42-47 (NIV)

One of my favourite books in the Bible is the book of Acts.  I love to read about how the first church lived and followed God.  In Acts 2, we read about the first church meeting in the temple courts every day in large gatherings to worship.  Then we read about people’s gathering in homes at night (small gatherings) to learn about Jesus.  Then in Acts 8, something happens, and there is a fundamental shift in the way the church operates.  Suddenly the large group gathering isn’t safe, and they move to homes.  How do we know this because Acts 8:3 says that Saul went from home to house rounding up men and women to put in prison?  Home churches were the foundation of the early church for centuries, families and close friends gathering to worship and learn together.  It wasn’t until after Christianity is legalized in the 300’s that the large group gathering becomes safe again.  This week we’ve seen a fundamental shift take place in the church as once again large group gatherings have been deemed unsafe.   How will the church, which is you and me, not a building or a Sunday service, respond?   

A friend of mine often says, “Jesus isn’t scared, he’s got a plan.”  Do you believe this?  Amid the chaos and the stress, I’m excited and filled with anticipation about what Jesus has planned.  I only hope that his church (you and me) will respond and become what he envisions!

Important Information about Sunday
In light of Wednesday’s announcement by the Saskatchewan Government which declared a State of Emergency in our province, Living Hope’s weekend gathering will be moving fully online.   Our weekend gathering will be streamed live from the auditorium with a minimum production crew.  We will not allow anyone in the building during the streaming, you’ll only be able to gather with us online using

We will begin our gathering at 9:30 with PrayFirst.  Pastor Shauna will be leading us in praying for each other, our friends and the events taking place.  Invite your family and friends to this 30-minute interactive prayer gathering.

At 10:30, Pastor Eric will be leading us 4 songs of worship from his guitar.  Pastor Colin will talk briefly about how to lead your family in this time of uncertainty in a new segment we’ve called Family Time.  Then I’ll be speaking from John 9:1-12 about reframing the questions we ask.  Our 10:30 gathering will last for just under an hour each week.  

In the coming days, you’ll hear more from us about how we hope to help you become what Jesus envisions during the days ahead.   In the meantime, gather in small groups together, worship and learn about Jesus, our Living Hope!

See you Sunday online.

Pastor Kirk    
