Living Every Day with Margin

For the last three weeks we have been talking about Margin in our weekend services.

We’ve defined margin as the space in life that enables us to thrive, not just survive.  Margin is the space between our limits and our load and it’s the space between what we could do and what we should do.  We’ve discovered that margin is the space that allows us to catch our breath and hear from God about what’s next.

We’ve talked about how we can find margin in our busy lives and found that the starting point is discovering an ancient rhythm of living.  The starting point to finding margin is Sabbath, the rhythm of rest and work we were created to live within. This past week we discovered that the margin we are looking for is found in what God has already given us, and to find it we are going to have to make some tough decisions and close some circles.

This week as we wrap up our Margin series, we are going to explore how you can live with margin every day.  Finding margin in life can be hard, and living with it every day can be even harder.  Thankfully there is an example we can look at and follow, of a life lived every day with margin.

I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we explore three principles for living with margin every day.

See you Sunday,


Pastor Kirk

Following in the footsteps of Jesus – Israel Tour 2017

Have you ever wanted to travel to Israel and see the places talked about in the Bible?  Pastor Kirk will be taking a tour group to Israel this fall (November 21 to 30, 2017) to visit key places mentioned in the Old and New Testament.  An information night is being held on Sunday January 29 at 7 pm at the church for those who are interested in finding out more and being a part of the group.

Holy Spirit Encounter

Discover what it means to live a Spirit empowered life! Join us February 3 and 4 for Bible centred teaching around the person and filling of the Holy Spirit. Experience the fullness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and be equipped to lead others into a deeper Spirit filled life in 2017!  Registration is open, the cost is free, but required in order to reserve your spot. Find out more.

The Dearhearts & Wildwood Fire

Join us February 12 at 7 pm for a musical double feature. Musical group The Dearhearts will take the stage followed by the one-act play Wildwood Fire.  Invite your friends and enjoy a great evening of wholesome entertainment.  Tickets are $15 each and are available online and in the lobby after the service this Sunday.

Upcoming Events

  • January 29, Campbell Choir Performing
  • January 29, Following in the Footsteps of Jesus Information Meeting
  • February 3-5, Holy Spirit Encounter Weekend
  • February 7,  Pre-School Registration Night
  • February 12, Young Adults
  • February 12, The Dearhearts and Wildwood Fire
  • February 20-22, Church Wide Food Fast
  • February 26, Prayer Summit
  • March 12, Annual General Meeting
