Have you ever been watching the news or talking with someone about something going on in the world and been filled with a feeling of discontent? Maybe you were angered, maybe you felt sick, or maybe you were filled with grief.
Over the last few months I’ve heard a number of people talking about the refugee crisis, the state of world politics, and the threat of terror. Some have started to cry, some have gotten angry and some have been paralyzed with fear. They’ve all been filled with discontent about what is going on in the world.
What do we do when this happens?
This weekend we are beginning a new series called “Life on Mission: Everyone, Everywhere, All the Time” and we’ll be looking at what to do when we find ourselves wholly discontent with what’s going on today in our lives and around the world. I hope you’ll join us as we look at the life of a man named Nehemiah and how he used his discontent to change his world.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Kirk
Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting is on Sunday, March 12. A detailed look at our finances will take place at 9 am in the Vista Room. We will have lunch together after the service (suggested donation $5/person or $20/family) with the annual meeting to follow at 12:45 pm in the auditorium. This is a great opportunity to hear about what God is doing and where he is leading us as a church family. We hope you will join us! Annual Reports are available online or at the info desk.
Alpha – Marriage Course
We invite you to this 7-week Marriage Course, starting March 15 and ending on April 26. You and your spouse will discover new insights that will benefit your marriage. The evening begins with supper at 6 pm and runs until 8:15 pm. Please contact Peter at peter@mylivinghope.ca to reserve a table.
Vision Gatherings

Upcoming Events
- March 15, Alpha Marriage Begins
- March 17-19 Legacy Youth Conference
- April 7. 50+ Supper
- April 14, Good Friday Service
- April 16, Baptism Sunday
- April 16, Easter Sunday