Last night something awesome happened.
Wednesdays are our discipleship nights. There is something for everyone, ages 6 and up. Over a hundred people are engaged in some form of discipleship activities. We have Kids Club for kids 6 to 12, Hope Youth for teens, a parenting course, a drop-in community group (Bible study), and Soul Care. Last week during MidWeek kids, 7 kids decided to make Jesus the Saviour and Leader of their life. Isn’t that awesome? YAY GOD!
I love seeing so many of our church family engaging and taking next steps to increase their intimacy with God. Honestly, every Wednesday is an awesome night. Last night, though, there was something different that happened that was special and awesome in its own way.
For the past year, as a church family, we’ve been engaged in the Going Beyond initiative. The Going Beyond initiative is focusing our attention on reaching the people of Regina and beyond with message of Jesus Christ. Our theme verse is Acts 1:8 – “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” We are claiming Jesus’ Acts 1:8 vision in our generation.
The Going Beyond initiative has four goals:
- Completing our church campus so that it is ready for guests, and both the inside and outside can be used as ministry spaces.
- Mulitiplying opportunities for the least reached and un-engaged to hear and engage with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are going to plant new and creative expressions of Living Hope around Regina.
- Impacting the World through partnerships with International Workers who are engaged in reaching the least reached people groups in nations around the world, like our partnership on the Island.
- And each of us making a personal commitment to be witnesses of Jesus Christ in our family, communities, our work places, and wherever God may give us influence and lead us.
Last night was a significant night for the Going Beyond initiative. Last night the Board of Elders met and approved the awarding of the tender for the completion of our church campus. I can’t give you all the details yet, but I can tell you that construction will begin May 15th and run until August 15th. It will mean some changes and inconvenience when it comes to parking on Sundays, but I think you’ll agree with me that a little inconvenience is worth it in order to create an engaging and accessible campus where the community can meet Jesus. Isn’t this awesome?
Next Sunday, March 24th, will be the one year anniversary of our Going Beyond Commitment Sunday. At that time, many of us made pledges and signed our names on the canvases that hang in the lobby, committing ourselves to being Acts 1:8 people and to the Going Beyond initiative. On March 24th we are going to celebrate what God has been doing over the past year, and hopefully I’ll be allowed to tell you more about the tender. I hope you’ll make a point of being with us next Sunday.
In the meantime, this Sunday we’ll be looking at Mark 9:2-10, a passage which speaks of an incredibly significant event in the life of Peter, James and John. We’ll be exploring what happened when Jesus took three of his disciples up a mountain. We’ll discover what that event reveals about Jesus and what it means for us today. I hope you’ll join us!
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Israel Trip Information Night – March 31 – 7 pm
Did you miss the Information Night? Join Pastor Kirk and Britton for a recap on March 31 at 7 pm at the church.
Join Pastor Kirk and Britton on a journey through Israel (November 26 – December 5, 2019), following in the footsteps of Jesus. Grow as a disciple of Jesus as you visit places you have read about in the New Testament. The words and life of Jesus will come alive in a new way. Contact Pastor Kirk at kirk@mylivinghope.ca.
Deadline for application and deposit is May 26, 2019.
Marriage Preparation Course – May 11 and June 8
Are you planning to be married within the next year? Join Pastor Kirk and learn how to develop a strong foundation by exploring topics such as how to express feelings, learning to listen, ways to resolve conflict, finding common goals and values, and the importance of commitment. This 2-session course is for engaged (or soon to be engaged) couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage.
The course will be held on 2 Saturday mornings, May 11 and June 8, from 8:30 am until noon. Breakfast will be provided.
Register by email at info@mylivinghope.ca or call the church office.
Coming Events
March 24 | Going Beyond One Year Anniversary Celebration (during Weekend Service) |
March 24 | Encounter – Young Adults Worship Night |
March 31 | Israel Trip Information Night |
March 31 | Connect Lunch |
April 19 | Good Friday Service |
April 21 | Resurrection Sunday |
May 11, June 8 | Marriage Preparation Course |
July 29-August 2 | Kids Camp – “Journey to Athens” |