Choose Joy
Ron Goerzen, November 11, 2018
Scripture: Philippians 4:1-9
Summary: How to get back joy that’s been stolen by worry, fear, and anxiety.
Main Thought: Rejoice, Pray, Be Thankful.
Getting to Know Each Other (Start Here):
As we have been going through this series on joy, in what situations have you experienced or noticed joy?
Going Deeper:
Paul was writing to the Philippians from a prison cell in Rome. Do you think he knew what it was like to have worry, fear, and anxiety? What are some experiences in life that cause you to have worry, fear, or anxiety? How have you chosen to trust God more in those circumstances?
Philippians 4: 4-7: Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks
- How do you live in joy? What are some of the ebbs and flows of life that impact your experience of joy? How do you bring joy to the circumstances of life?
- Is there something that is on your mind that you can share with your group and together ask God for help? Spend some time praying for each other.
- Do you have a list of things you are thankful for? Take a few moments to express your thanks to God.
Apply it:
Philippians 4:2-3: Relational Thoughts
- Who can you choose to ask for God’s help with as you deal with a difficult person or relationship?
- How can you choose not to be offended by someone else?
- How can you choose to speak life into others and build others up?
Pray without ceasing:
- Pray for the upcoming Soul Care Equipping conference and the over 200 people who will be participating. Pray that they would be able to remove the roadblocks and barriers they have to intimacy with God.
- Pray for the Interwoven Missions Trip team who are going out from Living Hope to Greece in order to serve the children of International Workers in the Silk Road and Desert Sand regions and help them work out their salvation.