Is the church obsolete? Does it still matter today?

When I worked in Information Technology, I was introduced to a principle called “Moore’s Law.” First coined in 1965, Moore’s Law theorized that computers would increase in power every 2 years while also decreasing in size and cost. Basically, the principle predicted exponential change in the power of computers every two years.

It seems to me that Moore’s law applies to more than just computers these days. The world is changing at such a brisk pace that it is hard to keep up. Sometimes it seems like what was new and interesting yesterday is mainstream today and will be obsolete tomorrow. If the idea that things change and become more complex every 2 years is true, then many of the things we value, enjoy, and do today will likely be obsolete or irrelevant in a few years. I wonder how this affects the church?

In the Apostles’ Creed we say that we believe in the communion of saints and the holy catholic church. After 2000 years, is the communion of saints and the holy catholic church still important? Or has the world changed so much that the church no longer matters? Join us this weekend as we look at Ephesians 2:11-22 and discover three reasons why the church matters today. 

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

PS…We’ve had some problems with streaming our worship gathering to the web over the last few weeks. We are working with our service providers to determine and correct the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. The full recording of our weekend gathering each week is available at; click on full replays.
