Wow, its already August 2nd! This week I saw my first back to school commercial. It’s hard to believe that summer is already half over. Soon our vacations will come to an end and our calendars will be filled again with nights of driving kids to music lessons, dance lessons, team practices, etc. I’m always amazed at how empty the calendar can be in July and August and how full it can get in September and October. I’m already feeling anxious about the looming pressures and busy-ness of the fall, are you?
Over the next few weeks, as you begin to think about the fall, I want to encourage you to do something different. Before you sign up for another thing, ask this question: What I am doing and what is my family doing this fall to intentionally grow closer to God?
All summer long we’ve been talking about how you can grow deeper in your relationship with God. I’ve been hearing stories from people (young and old) who have experienced a new level of intimacy with God through the Psalms. Has your relationship with God grown closer this summer? What could you do to continue this in September?
As you begin planning your schedule for the fall why not start with God? Instead of hockey or music lessons being the rock in your calendar that everything else has to flex around, why not make God the rock in your calendar that doesn’t move. It’ll mean having to make some hard choices and maybe even not doing some thing, but I wonder what might happen in your life and your family if you made this choice?
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be talking about things we are offering this fall that could help you and your family grow in your relationship with God. When you hear about something, why don’t you ask Him what he’d like you to do? Ask God what your next step with him should be, let him speak into your September calendar, let him guide you on your journey of discipleship. I wonder what might happen if you did this?
I hope you’ll be with us this Sunday as Pastor Shauna continues our Songs of Summer series by preaching from Psalm 67.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Family Worship Experience
Join us this summer for a family worship experience. We have redesigned our worship service for the summer months to be shorter and to be an active learning and worship experience. Each week kids in kindergarten to grade six will be invited to participate in the sermon through experiential learning experiences. There will also be activity boxes each week for kids who just want to stay in their seats.
Hope Kids (K-Gr 6) will resume after the summer break. Wonder Years preschool for ages 2-4 and First Steps nursery continues throughout the summer.
Coming Events
August 6-10 | City Camp with Dallas Valley Ranch Camp |
September 9 | Fall Kick-Off Weekend and BBQ |
September 30 | Annual General Meeting |
October 18-19 | Global Leadership Summit |
November 16 | Daddy/Daughter Date Night |
November 23 | 50+ Christmas Supper |
November 29-December 1 | Soul Care conference with Rob Reimer |
January 14 – 18 | Kairos Course – Understanding God’s purpose for you and the world! |
February 2 | Holy Spirit Encounter (speakers David Hearn, Robin Haensel and Kirk Cowman) |