How are you doing at blessing the people around you?

This weekend marks the mid-way point in our 7-week series called “Everyday Rhythms.” Over the last 3 weeks we’ve talked about how God’s plan is to bless you and me so that we can bless the people of the world by introducing them to Him. Each week we’ve been learning about simple practices that we can build into our everyday rhythms that will help us live and give the blessing of God to the people around us.  How are you doing?   (if you need to catch up, click on these links:  Week One: Meant to Bless, Week Two: Begin with Prayer, Week Three: Listen with Care)

So often in my life I start a new practice or habit in my life only to have it drop off a few weeks later. Does this happen to you? What I have found in my life is that if I don’t track it, I don’t do it, so I use apps like “Streaks” on my phone to make sure I’m doing the things that I deem important for my health and wellness. That’s also why I keep a journal, both a physical Moleskine and an app on my devices (“Day One”) because it helps me know if I’m consistently meeting with and hearing from God or not.  I know someone somewhere is rolling their eyes right now as I talk about journals. I know, I get it. Believe me, I hate journaling, but I need the rhythm of a journal to keep me on track with the practices that create space for me to connect with God and his plan for my day. 

The goal of the Everyday Rhythm series is to build practices into our lives that are natural, like eating, like listening, like doing something for someone out of love, but in order to build these practices in our lives we first need to know if we are actually doing them.  That’s why I’ve been talking about having a BLESS journal. Just a simple notebook, whether physical or virtual, where you record each day if you’ve done any of the B.L.E.S.S. practices.  You don’t have to do all five every day, just one, then the next day ask Jesus which one he’d like you to do that day.  New practices become habits and part of our everyday rhythm when we track them. The good news is its never too late to start your BLESS journal.

This weekend we’ll be talking about something we all do that with a simple tweak can begin to bless the people God is leading you to bless. I hope you’ll join us this week as we look at the eating habits of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. 

See you Sunday.

Pastor Kirk
