Jesus has a lot to say about love; have you noticed this?
- Jesus tells us that God loves the world (John 3:16)
- Jesus says that the great thing we can do in life is love God and others (Mark 12:30-31)
- Jesus wants us to love our neighbors (Matthew 5:43)
- Jesus teaches us to love our enemies (Luke 6:27)
- Jesus says that the defining characteristic of his disciples is love (John 13:35)
These are just some of the many things Jesus says and teaches about love in the Gospels, but what does he mean by “love?”
We use the word love to describe how we feel about our family, our dog, a show on Netflix, and even the food we eat. Surely there must be a difference? The character and nature of the love I feel for my wife must be different than the way I feel about pizza, right? I think we use the word love so freely today that we have confused ourselves. We don’t know what love is or how to give it. If this is true, then what does Jesus mean when he speaks about love?
This week we are talking about love and the brand-new love that Jesus is inviting us to experience and express. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we explore Luke 6:27-36. We will learn about a new love that Jesus taught and modeled for his disciples. He invites us to experience and express this new love today. This weekend we are going to discover a new way of living that is simple, yet painfully difficult.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
PS…the Board of Elders of Living Hope have invited the membership of Living Hope to enter a season of discernment concerning a change to our governance and Board of Elders. For more information and to take part, visit