I’ve always wanted to carry the Olympic torch, to be a torchbearer. I remember when I was in high school and watched the lead-up to the Calgary Olympics. People from across Canada ran across the country carrying the Olympic torch. When the Olympics were in Vancouver, I thought about signing up, but I doubted that I would be accepted or that I could even do it. The closest I have come to carrying the Olympic torch was to hold one and get my picture taken with a torch which was displayed at the local mall, but that is not the same as actually carrying the torch.
The idea of carrying a torch with the flame burning brightly as I run, and then passing that flame to someone else excites me. Passing a flame from one person to the next until eventually that flame is used to light something much bigger – I want to take part in that! Have you ever wanted to be a torchbearer? Did you know that, as a follower of Jesus, you are?
This weekend Pastor Eric is going to lead us in looking at Luke 8:16-18. We will discover that followers of Jesus are light-bearers who are responsible for shining and passing on a light that is far greater than the Olympic flame. I hope that you will join us this weekend, and that you will decide to take your place as a light-bearer.
See you soon,
Pastor Kirk
PS…Don’t forget! This weekend is our opportunity to participate in The Jaffray Offering, a chance to partner with God and His International Workers in reaching least-reached people groups in South Asia. Please come prepared to give either by cash, cheque or electronically.