Have you ever played follow the leader?

Have you ever played ‘follow the leader’?

When I was a camp counsellor I often played ‘follow the leader’ with the kids.  Do you remember how to play?  A camper would be selected to lead the group, and everyone would do what they did.  One by one they would each take a turn leading the cabin however they saw fit.

At some point, during our game, one of the campers would begin their turn as the leader and right away you could tell that they had an agenda.  Instead of starting with something simple like walking on top of a bench or jumping over something small, this new leader would have us crawling under benches and through picnic tables. As they continued to lead the actions just got harder. The leader would begin doing things that they could easily do but others would find difficult.  They wanted to show how much better they were than anyone else. Invariably, the group would struggle and begin to divide. The leader would be off on the next feat, showing off their greatness, while the rest of us struggled to get by the last challenge.  Playing ‘follow the leader’ always revealed a lot about the campers.

Have you ever followed a leader like that?  Have you ever followed a leader that cared more about themselves, their power, their position, their performance, than about how you were doing?  How did that make you feel?

This weekend we are continuing our “I AM” series. In John 10:1-10 Jesus addresses this very issue. In this passage, Jesus encounters leaders who are more concerned with themselves than the people they are charged to lead. In the midst of this situation, Jesus reveals something about himself and how our search for the perfect leader can change your life.

I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we discover what Jesus meant when he said: “I am the gate.” If you are like me, you may have been taught in Sunday School that Jesus said: “I am the door.”  No matter how you learned it, Jesus is saying that he wants something incredible for you. I hope you’ll come and find out what it is.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

Prayer Summit
Join us Sunday night at our monthly Prayer Summit. Each month we take time to learn how to pray and listen to God. Then we practice praying and listening to God with each other. The Prayer Summit is May 27 at 7 pm at the church.

Taste of the Summit
Come get a taste of what The Global Leadership Summit is like on June 3 at 7 pm.  You will also learn about the faculty for the 2018 Summit.  Admission is free.  This year’s keynote speaker for the Taste of the Summit is Liz Wiseman. She will be speaking about being a multiplying leader instead of a diminishing leader.  For more information on The Global Leadership Summit or to get your tickets for October 18 & 19 event check out our GLS website.

Breakfast with Dad
Why not take Dad for breakfast this Father’s Day weekend?  Join us on Saturday, June 16 for breakfast and to hear Rider Defensive Tackle Eddie Steele share his story.  Get your tickets online — $15 for Adults & Teens and $8 for Children.

Volunteer Appreciation Night
Have you served on a team at Living Hope over the past 12 months?  Maybe you served coffee or helped at kids camp.  Maybe you sing on a worship team or helped paint a wall.  If you have been a part of the volunteer team at Living Hope over the last 12 months we want to celebrate and honour you!  Join us May 30th at 7 pm for a dessert night in your honour.  Admission is free, but we ask that you RSVP so we can reserve your spot.  Email marg@mylivinghope.ca to RSVP today.

Coming Events

May 25-26 Breakaway Camp at Dallas Valley
May 27 Baptism Sunday
May 27 Prayer Summit
May 30 Volunteer Appreciation Night
June 3 Taste of the Summit
June 16 Breakfast with Dad
July 3-6 Kids Camp – Babylon; Daniel’s Courage in Captivity
October 18-19 Global Leadership Summit
November 29-December 1 “Soul Care” conference with Rob Reimer

