Have you ever felt empowered?

Have you ever felt empowered to do something?

When I was sixteen, I received a phone call from a man named Laverne. Laverne was a friend of my parents and had been the director of a summer camp I attended for several years. Laverne was calling that night to invite me to join his team of leaders and become a cabin leader for four weeks that summer.

I remember feeling excited and overwhelmed at the same time. I had never done anything like that before. I had been a camper in a cabin, but that’s not the same. Laverne said he believed in me and promised to equip me for this responsibility; he was going to be there to help as needed.  This began a six-year journey with that camp and Laverne – I became a cabin leader, a follow-up director, a program director, and finally a speaker at that camp, all because someone empowered a sixteen-year-old to do something they had never done before. 

Did you know that Jesus has done the same thing for you?  Jesus has invited you and empowered you to join him in what he is doing in your community and the world.

This weekend we will be looking at Luke 9:1-9; special guest Al Fedorak will be talking about the empowering invitation that Jesus extends to each of us. Everything that Jesus has done, he invites you to do with him. I hope you’ll join us this weekend as we continue our series, “Unstoppable”, and discover the unstoppable you that Jesus invites you to become.

See you soon,

Pastor Kirk
