Have you ever felt desperate?


Recently, Britton and I have been watching a couple of shows on our streaming service about people who are desperate. One tells the story of some people in the late 90’s who suffered with incredible pain and were desperately needing help; their doctor learned about a new drug that might be able to help them, but in the end it destroyed their life. The other story is about a man who suffered from deep emotional and social wounds; in his desperation he turned to a doctor for help, but the doctor took advantage of him. Both are true stories. Both are sad tales in which people desperate for help didn’t find what they needed. The shows we watch and the stories we read often reflect the realities of everyday life.

Have you ever felt desperate? Have you ever felt like the people in the stories I mentioned -desperate for help, but not knowing where to turn? I think we all have at one time or another. If you feel desperate or have ever felt desperate, there is hope.  There is real help available in the person, the presence, and the power of Jesus.

This weekend we are going to look at the story of some desperate people and what happened when they turned to Jesus in their desperation. I hope you’ll join us this weekend as we look at Luke 8:40-56 and discover that those who are desperate find comfort and help in Jesus.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

P.S. On December 5 we will be celebrating Pastor Daniel’s approval for Ordination and saying farewell to Colin, Chandra and Daniel. Because of this, there will be no 8:30 am service on that Sunday. 
