Have you ever felt desperate?

Have you ever felt desperate? Have you ever needed something so badly and didn’t know how to get what you needed?  Have you ever felt that, unless someone notices and you get some help, you aren’t going to make it? Do you feel like that right now?

If you’ve ever felt desperate or if you are feeling desperate right now, I want you to know that there is help and there is hope. Just hit reply to this email – we want to help. Plan to join us this weekend as we discover the source of hope and help for us when we are desperate. 

This Sunday we’ll be looking at Luke 5:12-16 and exploring the story of a man who was truly desperate. All of life hung in the balance for him. In his story we’ll see that Jesus is a friend to the desperate. He longs to bring health and wholeness to desperate lives. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we discover help in our desperation and how we can help the desperate around us, because Jesus is the Lord of the desperate.

May the peace of Christ relieve your desperation today,

Pastor Kirk
