The other day I was talking with someone from another church. This person was describing their Sunday morning routine to me. Each Sunday they arrived just as the service was starting and left as soon as the last song started. Anyone you know do that?
This person did this week after week for the expressed purpose of avoiding someone. They’d had a falling out with someone in the church over a year ago. Even though they said they’d forgiven that person they’d created a routine so they didn’t have to see them. I listened intently and then gave them my best Dr. Phil impression and said , “How’s that working for you?” And then I asked if that’s what they thought forgiveness looked like?
Have you ever done this? Created a whole routine just to avoid someone. Is this what true forgiveness looks like?
This weekend as we continue our Under the Surface series Pastor Colin will be looking at Matthew 18:21-35 and talking with us about forgiveness. I hope you’ll join us as we look at why we need to forgiven and why we just need to let go.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk