Have you ever built something?

Over the years, I’ve participated in several building projects. I’ve poured cement, swung hammers, screwed things together, and they even let me use a power tool from time to time. In all of the building projects I’ve been a part of, whether it’s been constructing a shed, finishing a basement, adding on a deck, or building a house, I’ve discovered something. I’ve found that all of the behind-the-scenes and under-the-surface work required to construct something takes the longest amount of time and the greatest amount of effort.  Have you noticed this? 

Have you ever watched a house being built or a building being constructed downtown? The digging of the hole and laying of the foundation seems to take the longest amount of time. Once the foundation is in, though, the house or building seems to go up fast after that!  I was once part of a Habitat for Humanity project that put up a home in a day, but that only happened because, for the previous month, a team of people had been working on building the foundation.   

Building a foundation takes time and energy, but if you do it right, you will build something that will last. It’s true in construction, in education, in relationships, and all of life. The time and energy you put into the foundation will determine how well something will stand the tests of time and the trials of life. 

This weekend as we wrap up our Brand New series, we are going to look at what Jesus had to say about foundations in Luke 6:46-49.  I hope you’ll join me as together we discover that becoming what Jesus envisions is about finding a new foundation for your life. 

 See you Sunday! 

 Pastor Kirk 
