When I was 16, a man named Laverne Jantz empowered me, and it changed my life. Laverne called me one evening in the spring of that year and asked me if I wanted to be a cabin leader at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp. He told me that he believed that I could lead a cabin of boys, some of whom were only 3-4 years younger than me and help them encounter Jesus. Laverne spent time with me before the summer began, equipping me to lead a cabin. Then, throughout that summer, Laverne encouraged, equipped, and prayed for and with me. I remember that first Monday as I sat in the staff meeting and then waited for campers to arrive – I wasn’t sure I could do it, but eight weeks later, the summer was over, and I was hooked. I kept coming back as a cabin leader for six more years. A few years later, I got another call – would I consider being a program director, and the empowering process started again!
Have you ever been empowered? Maybe you have a story from your past of a “Laverne” like person empowering you to do something you were not sure you could do. Being empowered is about being encouraged and equipped to do something you’ve never done before and maybe didn’t even think you could. Did you know that as disciples of Jesus, we have all been empowered?
This weekend we are continuing our look at what Holy Spirit does in the life of a disciple of Jesus. This week, we will consider three things the Holy Spirit empowers every disciple of Jesus to do. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we look at 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and discover the empowering work of the Holy Spirit in your life.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Kirk
P.S. This weekend is your last chance to submit notes for Pastor Eric and Danielle’s farewell book. Visit the church website to leave your prayers, blessings, pictures, memories, and notes of encouragement.
Saying Farewell to Pastor Eric & Danielle Miller