How is your experiment in generosity going?
Last week we explored 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 and discovered together that the generous life leads you closer to Christ. My encouragement to you was to either start being generous or to take your generosity to the next level this week and see if what I said on Sunday is true. Have you been doing this? Have you discovered the grace of giving?
The other day I heard the story of someone who took to heart what they heard on Sunday. This person was having a rough day at work. So, on their lunch break they went shopping. While standing at the checkout they overheard the cashier tell the woman in front of her, after ringing up her items, that she was short a few dollars. The woman turned to this person and said very sheepishly, “Do you have a couple dollars? I don’t have enough.” This person said, “Sure” and then gave the woman more than she needed to complete the transaction.
As this person shared the story of their act of generosity, they identified that moment as being a turning point in their day. That moment lifted their spirits and they began to look at their day differently.
Do you have a story of something that happened to you as you’ve pursued generosity this week? Have you discovered that the generous life leads you closer to Christ? I’d love to hear your story and what Christ is doing in you and through you!
This weekend, as we continue our Grace of Giving series, Pastor Colin will be exploring 2 Corinthians 8:10-9:5 with us and talking with us about how starting something is great, but finishing is even better. We’ll also be launching our Christmas Compassion initiative this Sunday, an opportunity for you to be generous with a family in your sphere of influence that is in need this Christmas.
I hope you’ll join us on Sunday as we discover more about the generous life that Jesus is inviting us into.
Pastor Kirk