Groups Discussion Guide – Week of January 21 – Starting Over Sermon Series

Sermon Discussion Guide

1.) Share with the group a time when you made something old, new again.

2.) We heard the story of Michael Phelps, an Olympic athlete who battled substance abuse and damaged relationships. But through that situation, he discovered a relationship with God and his life was changed because of it. Share with the group a time when you had a situation or actions that you regretted but now you can look back and see how good changes came out of it.

Read Genesis 50:14-21

3.) Joseph’s brothers were surprised that Joseph did not punish them for the things they had done to him in the past. He responded to them with forgiveness and God redeemed the situation. What is a situation in your life that it is difficult to see how God can bring good out of it?

4.) Joseph may have thought that God intervening in his situation meant that he would go back his father’s house. What God had planned for him was something much greater and ended up changing nation. What are some expectations you’ve had about how God should intervene in a difficult situation? What did God do in that situation?

5.) Redemption can look a number of ways. It can look like finding relationship with God, spiritual growth, rescheduling, redirection, and a chance to bless others. As you look at a situation in your life where you may have regrets, where might God be redeeming the situation? Where have you seen God’s redemption in the lives of people around you?


Going Deeper – The Last 10%

6.) Take time to pray with each other about situations you’d like God to redeem. Ask for God to show you where he’s already working and how you can align with what he’s doing. Commit to memorizing the Bible verses on the back of the sermon handout to help you focus on God and his love during the week.
