Sermon Discussion Guide
1.) We have all experienced times of darkness and times of light in our lives. Are you living in a time of darkness or light right now?
Read John 8:1-11
2.) The woman in this story was experiencing a period of darkness because of accusations. Have you ever felt the darkness of accusations – from others or from your own thoughts? How did you feel when light came and pushed out the darkness?
3.) Recall the stories of darkness and light in the sermon. Light wins. When light comes in to a dark situation, what does it bring for you? Do you find hope? Do you find community? Do you find life?
Going Deeper – The Last 10%
4.) Take time this week to ask Jesus these questions. Listen to what he has to speak into your life.
Where am I living in the darkness?
What have I been accused of? (Take time to confess it and walk into the light)
Who do you want me to tell about the light?