Matthew 1:18-25
- What does your name mean? Have you ever had the privilege of naming a baby? If so, how did you decide on a name?
- What do Jesus’ three names mean? (Immanuel, Son of God, and Yahweh)? Which one of these names speaks to you today for the situation(s) you are facing? What does the definition of this name mean to you or provide for you?
- Do you make promises often? Do you keep your promises? Read John 10:10. If a promise is a declaration of something that will or will not be done, how is Jesus our promise for a better life?
- Who has influence over your thinking? Decision-making? Finances? Everyday choices? The Sunday School answer will be ‘Jesus’ but be honest about who or what is presently influencing you in the different arenas of life. Read Philippians 2:3-11. What is attractive about this kind of leadership?
- How is Jesus living proof that God is with you?