Group Discussion Sept 8, 2024


  1. Open in prayer.
  2. Share a highlight from your summer.
  3. Share something you are looking forward to this fall.
  4. Share a time when you felt like an outsider.


  1. Humans crave belonging. What makes this sense of ‘belonging’ so challenging to find?
  2. Read Matt 9:9-13. What stands out to you as you read the passage? Use this as your launching point into discussion. What comes out in this part may lead you to certain questions below.
  3. Why was it so shocking to the Pharisees that Jesus was hanging out with tax collectors?
  4. In your own words, what was Jesus trying to communicate to the Pharisees in verse 13?
  5. Share a time when you felt like an outsider or where you have felt like you belonged.
  6. What beliefs about yourself do you have that help or hinder your sense of belonging?
  7. Have you ever gone out of your way to help someone belong? If so, what happened? What went well? What did not go well? What did you learn?
  8. In what ways could you help others feel like they belong?


  1. Take a moment to invite God to bring someone to mind that you should reach out to and connect with. Pray for that person.
  2. Pray for God to give you opportunities to connect with people in your workplace, neighborhood, and at church on Sunday.
  3. Ask God to give you opportunity to invite someone to come to church with you next Sunday for the “Listen, Learn, Love” message series.
  4. Pray for your Small Group this year, that Jesus would draw you all together and increase your faith, using you to grow His Kingdom.
