Group Discussion – Sept 29, 2024

Opening Prayer

  1. Open in prayer – if you are comfortable, use the phrase, “Come Holy Spirit come,” to open up prayer followed by a short time of silence in listening prayer.


  1. Is there any follow up from last week? Anything that you learned or saw God do?
  2. Share a time that you had an awkward conversation with a person. What happened?
  3. Re-read Acts 10:34-48. What stands out to you about this verse? How was Peter being hospitable? How did he witness to Cornelius?
  4. Pastor Tim pointed out that the pressure to do things well often gets in the way of us being hospitable and sharing the gospel, how have you found this play out in your life?
  5. Take a few moments and give your small group opportunity to point how they already do hospitality well.
  6. In what ways could you grow in hospitality?
  7. How do you feel about sharing or witnessing about Jesus? What excites you about this? What do you find challenging about this? What is a next step of growth in this area for you?
  8. Pastor Tim talked about the Prayer Summit on Nov. 3. Talk with your group to see if it is possible to attend as a small group. You will be encouraged to sit together as a group as there will be opportunities to pray for one another.

Closing Prayer

  1. As the group has shared, there are likely things that have come up that need to be prayed for. Pray for these things in groups of 2 or 3 people.
