- Start with a good old game of telephone. Have someone come up with a short phrase and whisper it into the person beside them once. Do this all around the circle until the final person hears it and then shares with the group what they hear.
Opening Prayer
- Open in prayer – if you are comfortable, use the phrase, “Come Holy Spirit come,” to open up prayer followed by a short time of silence in listening prayer.
- Share a time when you have felt ‘heard.’ What happened? What was meaningful to you about that experience?
- Re-read Acts 10:9b-29. What stands out to you about this verse? (For any questions about Peter’s vision, Pastor Tim will be talking about this next weekend.)
- Whats your reaction to the Holy Spirit going first in mission? How might this change how living missionally happens? How might this change how living missionally happens for you?
- Pastor Tim said that purpose comes out of listening prayer. Share when you have had God lead you in mission through prayer?
- Pastor Tim talked about prayer walks during the lunch hour. Where might you start a lunchtime prayer walk?
- Why is listening to another person so challenging?
- How would implementing ‘listening’ as an evangelism practice change how you share the gospel?
- Pastor Tim encouraged people to have a conversation with someone this week where your goal is simply to listen and understand without trying to share. Who is someone you want to try this with and when?
- Take a moment to invite God to bring someone to mind that you should reach out to and connect with. Pray for that person.
- Pray for God to give you opportunities to connect with people in your workplace, neighborhood, and at church on Sunday.
- Ask God to give you opportunity to invite someone to come to church with you next Sunday for the “Listen, Learn, Love” message series.
- Pray that God would draw your small group together this year, increasing your faith and using you to grow His Kingdom.