Group Discussion – Oct 13, 2024


  1. Open in prayer.
  2. What is the strangest confrontation or argument that you’ve had with a colleague?


  1. Read Galatians 2:11-21. Why is it so important that Paul address the hypocrisy within the church in Galatia? (v. 12-14)
  2. Paul said that Peter was not acting in-line with the truth of the gospel (v. 14). Have you ever treated your faith as “do as I say, not as I do”? Are there people you have not been “eating with” because they are not like you? What lies beneath this attitude?
  3. Do you ever find yourself trying to earn your salvation through works or following the rules? What does Paul say about this in verse 21? What is one thing you can do to counteract this false mentality?
  4. Paul did not guilt Peter into changing his behaviour. What lessons can we learn from Paul about how to motivate people towards change?
  5. In which areas have you been increasingly walking in line with the gospel over the last month? The last year? How is this infiltrating other areas of your life?


  1. Ask everyone to express in a one or two sentence prayer of thanks for the difference the gospel of Christ has made in their lives.
  2. Pray for a great sensitivity to Holy Spirit as He points out places in our lives where we may be choosing to act superior to someone else or working to earn their salvation.
