Group Discussion – November 6, 2022

  1. Read Luke 11:14-28. What immediately grabs your attention in this text? What questions or thoughts arise as you reflect on what it is saying?
  2. When Jesus cast out the demon, what was he accused of and why did this accusation have no logical basis? What was the more logical conclusion and why were some resistant to accepting this?
  3. Jesus obviously believes there is a spiritual clash of kingdoms, and invites people to buy into what he is saying, to entrust ourselves to him, and to join him in mission. How does this statement challenge your personally about your deepest loyalties and allegiances? How does this statement challenge us as the Body of Christ at Living Hope about our collective loyalties and allegiances? What are some ways that Christians in general are merely fans of Jesus and not actually living for His Kingdom purposes?
  4. Why is it impossible for people to remain neutral towards Jesus? What happens to those that choose not to be gathered to Jesus?
  5. What immediately happened in the life of the person when the unclean spirit left him?  Why was he unable to maintain the orderly state of his house upon the spirit’s return? What does Ephesians 1:13 promise when a person has true faith in Christ? How does knowing Christ has overpowered Satan and gathered you to himself encourage you in whatever circumstances you are facing in life today?
  6. Why is it important to learn the truths of God from his word rather than relying on the good things others say about him?
  7. Read Galatians 6:13-15. Why does Paul choose to boast only in the cross of Jesus Christ? What are you tempted to boast in? The closing point Paul makes is the only thing that matters is a new creation. What does that mean? Do you view yourself as a new creation in Christ, enjoying the freedom Christ gives? Who has access and leadership of your life today?




