Group Discussion – November 24, 2024


  1. Open in prayer.
  2. Who was your best friend growing up? Why were they your best friend?


  1. Read Gal 6:1-10. What does this passage say about community? Why is community important?
  2. How does our world understand community? (Hint: remember the Sovereign Self Narrative that Pastor Tim talked about, specifically that today community is only there to affirm the identity I have created.)
  3. Paul talks about restoring someone gently. Many people have an aversion to this, and rightly so. Share a negative experience you have had in regards to restoration. Share a positive experience. What was the difference between the two?
  4. Mark Baker gives a few suggestions on how to restore gently: 1. Avoid ‘ought’ or ‘should’ language 2. Include words of grace 3. Use directional journey language. Think about your time together as a small group. Have you noticed someone in your group doing one of these 3 things? If so, point it out and encourage them. How might you incorporate these into your small group experience?
  5. In vs 7-10, Paul writes about reaping what you sow. Pastor Tim talked about the tension in this. What is the tension and where do you find this in your life? (Hint: tension between grace – unearned identity and love, and acts have natural consequences and results.)
  6. What one thing can you do this week to fulfill verse 10 specifically?


Pastor Tim talked about how being weary from good works is like a dashboard of your soul. Where is your soul today? Using the 4 questions below. Describe it in terms of these things and then have your small group pray for each person as they share.

 -is there a truth you need to claim?

-is there a practice you need to pick up? (i.e., sabbath)

-Is there a promise you need to hold onto?

-is there a sin you need to confess?
