- To what extent have you been caught up in the desire to have or experience the next big thing?
- Read Luke 11:29-32. Why wasn’t Jesus more diplomatic? What was at stake? Read Colossians 4:5-6. How confrontational should we be in our witness?
- Is it ever legitimate to provide more evidence for someone who is questioning Christianity? If so, when? How would you respond to someone who said, “If I just saw a miracle with my own eyes, I’d believe”?
- Have you known someone who demanded signs from God before they would follow Him? How would you explain to such a person that Jesus’ resurrection is the only sign needed to establish the reality of who Jesus is?
- On a personal level, in what ways should the evidence of the resurrection of Christ impact your daily life? How does it empower your obedience to God’s call?
- This week, what is one attitude might you change or action might you take so that you won’t be reluctant to do what God is asking of you like Jonah was?