Group Discussion – March 16, 2025


Share a story from your childhood about getting caught doing something wrong. What did you do and what did you have to say?


    1. When someone says the word ‘confession’ what emotions or thoughts come up for you?
    2. Read Psalm 32:1-5, 11. What are these verses saying? What stands out to you? What resonates with you?
    3. What makes confession challenging? When have you found confession helpful?
    4. Why does confession matter to God?
    5. What motivations do you have that make you want to practice confession?
    6. Take some time as a group to enter into confession together with the next three points.
    7. Have the group close their eyes and imagine this: You are in a safe place, surrounded by the deep, profound love of God. Ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you. Remember, He sees you absolutely and with love. What does God say to you? Sit in silence for a few minutes and then if anyone is willing, have them share what God revealed to them.
    8. Get the group to close their eyes again. Read Exodus 20:2-17 (The Ten Commandments). Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal sin in the group member’s individual lives. Invite those willing to acknowledge their specific sin to God by praying a prayer of confession and then verbally accepting God’s forgiveness.
    9. Break into groups of 2 or 3 and ask the group members to confess to each other what they are comfortable confessing – no arm twisting or forcing. Then after the confession, the other group members should declare the forgiveness and love of God over the person sharing. Do this for each person in the smaller groups and then in these groups, have them share any prayer requests and pray for each other.


    Finish by praying as the leader for your group as God directs you and then ask God to infuse your group with the joy of God’s loving forgiveness.
