Share about an individual who poured into you when you were younger, needing guidance and wisdom. What advice, if any in particular, do you recall them giving to you?
Read Titus 2:1-8. Consider the words by Robert Mulholland being used for this sermon series: “Spiritual formation is the process of being formed into the image of Christ for the sake of others”. How does this passage resonate with this definition? How does this passage challenge or affirm your current lifestyle and spiritual growth?
Look one by one at the statements given by Chris Smith for each age group. How do they resonate with Robert Mulholland’s definition?
Older men – be inspiring examples of holiness for the next generation
Older women – behave like priestesses in teaching holiness to the next generation
Younger women – be changed by Jesus in your speech and conduct as a testimony to the world
Younger men – be self-controlled in your conduct to demonstrate your Christian maturity
Practically speaking how can the mentoring relationships described in Titus and listed above by age group be practiced in our church setting today? What challenges might arise, and how can they be addressed with wisdom and grace? Overall, how do you think we are doing at Living Hope passing on our vision, values, and knowledge to the next generation?
Considering the fact that nothing last forever and all good things come to an end:
Older men – who are the younger men you are building into? What is one thing you can do this week to bless a younger man?
Older women – who are the younger women you are encouraging in the faith? What is one thing you can do this week to encourage a younger woman?
Youth leaders – who are the kids that you already see the hand of God resting upon? How can you fan that flame?
In unison, read together Psalm 71:18 NIV.
Spend time praying for those who are in mentoring relationships, for those serving in Kids and Youth Ministry, and for the vision of Living Hope to raise up the next generation.